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Australia and Canada

Creation year



Wendy Harmer and Kim Thompson



Based on the children’s book series ” Pearlie the Park Fairy”, this animated series follows the fairy Pearlie, who was appointed by Fairly Headquarters to take care of Jubilee Park. As its manager, she plans tons of parties and events for the residents, and they all need to be perfect! Unfortunately, Pearlie’s jealous cousin Saphira doesn’t like her popularity… She will do whatever it takes to spoil the fun and get Pearlie fired.

Who are the main characters of Pearlie?

1 .Pearlie : the main character, a young brownie who is the caretaker of Jubilee Park.
Saphira: Pearlie's cousin, a young green dragon who is always trying to cause trouble for Pearlie.
Jasper: an elf who is Pearlie's best friend and helper.
Opal: a new fairy who comes to Jubilee Park to learn from Pearlie.
Aunt Garnet: Pearlie's great-aunt who is a wise fairy and runs a store in the park.
Blair: a bogwart who is Pearlie's friend and confidante.
Ludwig: Saphira's bat sidekick.
Finn: a young tooth fairy who Pearlie helps out when he gets injured.
Mo: a mischievous pixie who poses as a hairdresser in the park.
Ratty: the leader of the rats who live in Jubilee Park.

Production studio: Sticky Pictures TV

The information provided on this page about Pearlie isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Pearlie videos on Youtube

Pearlie – Dragonball Run

Pearlie – Hurly Burly