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All you need to know about

Percy’s Tiger Tales

Percys Tiger Tales

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Country of origin

France and Luxemburg

Creation year



Fabrique d’Images, Planet Nemo Animation and Skyline


Percy the Tiger, Sissibelle the Doe, Flap-Flap the Bat and Tatou the Squirrel create imaginary worlds that they can actually visit! Under the watchful eyes of their teacher Miss Hoot, the four friends live incredible adventures. Use your imagination as well and go with them to see the most extraordinary places.

Who are the main characters of Percy's Tiger Tales?

Percy: The main character who can enter imaginary worlds created by his friends.
Sissabelle: Percy's best friend who has a wild imagination.
Flap-Flap: Percy's best friend who is very shy.
Tattoo: Percy's best friend who is very brave.

Production studio: Fabrique d'Images

The information provided on this page about Percy’s Tiger Tales isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Percy's Tiger Tales videos on Youtube

Percy’s Tiger Tales – The Flying Horse

Percy’s Tiger Tales – Theme Song

Percy's Tiger Tales Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Percy's Tiger Tales