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Pet Alien

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Jeff Muncy


12-year-old Tommy lives a quiet life in a lighthouse in the town of DeSpray Bay, until one day, five aliens from the planet Conforma crash into his home and turn his normal life completely upside down. They are wild, rude and outrageous and have absolutely no manners. Young Tommy patiently tries to teach the five aliens about life on Earth, but they have no interest to learn about the human way of life and do exactly as they please!

Who are the main characters of Pet Alien?

Tommy Cadle: A 12-year-old boy who sees his life turned upside down, when 5 aliens invade the lighthouse where he lives, in DeSpray Bay.
Dinko: He is the leader of the aliens, who came to Earth to take over the planet. But he actually becomes close friends with Tommy, even though he causes a lot of chaos in his life.
Gumpers: A big, dumb alien who will just about eat anything, even when it's not actual food. He's very uncivilized according to human standards, burps and farts a lot.
Swanky: One of the alien gang, he speaks with a British accent. He's the smartest of the gang and enjoys fancy things.
Scruffy and Flip: Scruffy is a dog-like alien, while Flip resembles a parrot. They are both Dinko's pets.
Gabby: She is Tommy's best friend and is in love with him.
Granville DeSpray: A direct descendant of the founders of Tommy's town, DeSpray Bay.
Clinton Fillmore Jefferson XIII: The school bully.
Melba Manners: Tommy's nemesis, a spoiled girl who forces him to do tiresome tasks.
Cap'n Spangley: A crazy, old sailor, who's afraid of water.

Production studio: Splash Entertainment

The information provided on this page about Pet Alien isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Pet Alien videos on Youtube

Pet Alien – The Boy with Six Legs

Pet Alien – The Amazing Atomic Tommy