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Pirata Capitano Logo

Unofficial Pirata & Capitano cartoon wiki page

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All you need to know about

Pirata & Capitano

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Country of origin

France and Italy

Creation year



Gallego Brothers



Pirata helms her own ship, The Pink Skull, and Capitano flies a red seaplane. The two become great friends and sail the Great Ocean searching for new adventures.

Who are the main characters of Pirata & Capitano?

Pirata: Leader of the pirates, she is brave and bold.
Capitano: Pirata's childhood friend, a fellow pirate but also a very good pilot.
Roberto: The ship's resourceful cook.
Gatto Nero: A little black cat that accompanies Pirata and Capitano on the pirate ship.
Ratto: A member of the pirate crew, he is small and scrappy.
Weboo: A yellow fellow pirate in the form of an egg.
Pirate Stars: Little seastars, friends of Pirata and Capitano.
The Pink Skull: Pirata and Capitano's pirate ship.

Production studio: Dwarf Animation Studio

The information provided on this page about Pirata & Capitano isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Pirata & Capitano videos on Youtube

Pirata & Capitano – The Treasure Cave

Pirata & Capitano – The Creatures