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Pirate Express

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Canada and Australia

Creation year



Atomic Cartoons



This animated movie tells the story of Newt, a 12 year old boy who is Poseidon’s son. He is the captain of a pirate ship, and together with his crew he goes on all sorts of missions. If they fail, they will be exiled to a ship in a bottle for all eternity. All their adventures are based on Greek mythology.

Who are the main characters of Pirate Express?

Captain LaPoutine: The captain of the Pirate Express, he is a tough and gruff pirate. He's missing a leg and a hand.
Armando: The first mate of the Pirate Express, he is a loyal and reliable pirate.
Burt: A crew member of the Pirate Express, he is a dim-witted zombie pirate.
Booli: A crew member of the Pirate Express, she is a fierce and fiery pirate.
Dooley: One of the Pirate Express' crew members, a Jamaican pirate.
Gordon: He's one of the crew of the Pirate Express, a squid with a blue bowtie.
Spewey: A crew member of the Pirate Express, he is a penguin pirate.
Poseidon: The god of the oceans.
Newt: Poseidon's son, who accidentally released the pirates from their bottle prison.

Production studio: Sticky Pictures TV

The information provided on this page about Pirate Express isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Pirate Express videos on Youtube

Pirate Express – Theme Song

Pirate Express – Pirates