Unofficial Pitt & Kantrop cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Pitt & Kantrop
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Country of origin
Creation year
Stephen Franck and Emmanuel Franck
In the animated series “Pitt & Kantrop” we are transported more than 50,000 years back in time, when it was still the Stone Age. In these prehistoric times, they was only one law that ordered the world: the survival of the fittest. Pitt, the smallest member of his tribe, was not the fittest at all, but luckily he was the smartest! His funny inventions benefited all the other members of the Pitteks. By Pitt’s side we find Kantrop, the last Pterodactyl of his species and the very first domestic animal in the history of mankind. During Pitt’s many adventures, Kantrop never leaves his side and helps him develop his ideas and stand up against the established order of the Big Chief. In a time when change is seen as dangerous, Pitt and Kantrop have a long way to go…
Who are the main characters of Pitt & Kantrop?
Pitt: he is a smart and reliable Stone Age boy, who makes great inventions that contribute to the advancement of his tribe, the "Pitteks".
Kantrop: he is the last pterodactyl dinosaur of his species, and the first domesticated animal in the history of mankind. He is Pitt's best friend and companion.
Sariac: he is the strongest man of the tribe and therefore the Big Chief.
Drosera: she is Sariac's wife. She is a very arrogant person.
Vegas and Atlas: they are heroic and athletic hunters. They are very loyal to Sariac.
Mandas: Pitt's cousin and a skilled hunter.
Deena: Mandas' love interest, but out of reach because she is the Chief's daughter. She likes Pitt.
Prosper: the oldest member of the Pitteks and the tribe's shaman.
Liane: Pitt's mother.
Stef: Pitt's father.
Grenella: Aunt Grenella has but one goal in life: find a husband.
Production studio: Millimages
The information provided on this page about Pitt & Kantrop isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!