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Unofficial Pok & Mok cartoon wiki page

All you need to know about

Pok & Mok

Pok & Mok

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Isabelle Lenoble and Eric Zilliox



The French animated series “Pok & Mok” follows the adventures of Pok, an eight-year-old short-haired gibbon, and Mok, an eight-year-old boy. The plot of the series revolves around the two characters as they engage in various comedic adventures. The show consists of 78 episodes, each with a running time of 7 minutes. The plot of each episode revolves around the characters’ interactions, friendships, and the lighthearted situations they encounter during their adventures.

Who are the main characters of Pok & Mok?

Pok: a gibbon. He's 8 years old and he's Mok's best friend.
Mok: an 8-year-old boy, Pok's best friend.
Camila: a girl who is friends with Pok and Mok. She's a bit older than Mok, and she has a crush on him.
Piggles: a talking parrot.
Penelope and Ernest: Mok's parents.

Production studio: Gaumont Animation

The information provided on this page about Pok & Mok isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Pok & Mok videos on Youtube

Pok & Mok – Trailer