Unofficial Potatoes and Dragons cartoon wiki page
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Potatoes and Dragons
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Country of origin
Canada and France
Creation year
Jan Van Rijsselberge
King Hugo III of the Land of the Potatoes has a big green problem: there’s a dragon roaming his land and he would like nothing better than to get rid of the flaming beast! The dragon can’t stand crowns and uncontrollably produces flames whenever he sees one. Despite the King’s wrath, it turns out that Princess Melody, the blond-haired daughter of the King, absolutely loves the dragon and will do anything she can to protect it! The Dragon has not once flamed at her, or her best friends.
Who are the main characters of Potatoes and Dragons?
King Hugo III: He's the king of the land of the potatoes. He's a difficult man, especially because he's always upset by Dragon, who keeps on flaming him. And he hates dragons.
Harry: The King's torturer and right hand, who gets to do all the dirty work.
Dragon: A dragon with a stinky breath, who hates crowns and constantly flames the king. Sometimes even just for the fun of it.
Knights: All the knights of the kingdom have all tried to slay the dragon at some point, but they never succeed. No reward, and no princess!
Melody: King Hugo's daughter, a lovely blonde who loves Dragon dearly. Even though she also wears a crown, Dragon would never hurt her.
Riri: He is the jester at King Hugo's court. He loves Melody and is on the Dragon's side.
Juju: She's an assistant to Riri, and helps Melody in keeping Dragon safe.
Merlin: King Hugo's personal wizard, who isn't very good at making spells and potions. He also helps Dragon.
Roger the Talking Carrot: The King's advisor, who knows Dragon's weaknesses.
Harry: The King's torturer and right hand, who gets to do all the dirty work.
Dragon: A dragon with a stinky breath, who hates crowns and constantly flames the king. Sometimes even just for the fun of it.
Knights: All the knights of the kingdom have all tried to slay the dragon at some point, but they never succeed. No reward, and no princess!
Melody: King Hugo's daughter, a lovely blonde who loves Dragon dearly. Even though she also wears a crown, Dragon would never hurt her.
Riri: He is the jester at King Hugo's court. He loves Melody and is on the Dragon's side.
Juju: She's an assistant to Riri, and helps Melody in keeping Dragon safe.
Merlin: King Hugo's personal wizard, who isn't very good at making spells and potions. He also helps Dragon.
Roger the Talking Carrot: The King's advisor, who knows Dragon's weaknesses.
Production studio: Gaumont Animation
The information provided on this page about Potatoes and Dragons isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!