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All you need to know about
Power Battle Watch Car
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Country of origin
South Korea
Creation year
SAMG Animation (in association with Hyundai Motor Company)
The Watch Cars are miniature robotic cars that have been created by the automobile company JHC Motors. The cars turn out to be great companions to children and adults. They work together to fight The Rangers of Darkness, an evil force that plans to take over all the Watch Cars and enslave them. Young Jino, Roy, Maru and Ari will do anything in their power to stop them.
Who are the main characters of Power Battle Watch Car?
Watch Car: The titular character of the show, Watch Car is a transforming robot who protects the earth from various villains.
Dr. Love: Watch Car's human partner, Dr. Love is a scientist who created Watch Car and helps him fight evil.
Red Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, Red Watch is a fire truck who helps fight fires and rescue people.
Blue Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, Blue Watch is a police car who helps fight crime and keep the peace.
Yellow Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, Yellow Watch is a construction vehicle who helps build and repair things.
Green Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, Green Watch is a garbage truck who helps keep the city clean.
Black Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, Black Watch is a tow truck who helps clear the roads of abandoned cars.
White Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, White Watch is an ambulance who helps rescue people and take them to the hospital.
Pink Watch: One of Watch Car's friends, Pink Watch is a taxi who helps people get around the city.
Mr. Mechanic: The
The information provided on this page about Power Battle Watch Car isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!