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All you need to know about

P’tit Cosmonaute

Ptit Cosmonaute

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Country of origin


Creation year



Cross River Productions



P’tit Cosmonaute has been charged with a very important task: he has been sent on a distant mission to explore all the planets of our galaxy. While flying through the void, his rocket unexpectedly gets hit by an alien vessel and P’tit Cosmonaute is forced to land on an unknown planet, Minos ! This planet is inhabited by the strangest creature, who try to prevent P’tit Cosmonaute from repairing his rocket and find his way home. But our brave little astronaut isn’t deterred from his mission and will do whatever it takes!

Who are the main characters of P'tit Cosmonaute?

P'tit Cosmonaute: A young boy who is the main character of the cartoon. He is curious and adventurous.
Maman: P'tit Cosmonaute's mother, she is loving and protective.
Papa: P'tit Cosmonaute's father, he is supportive and encouraging.
Zaza: P'tit Cosmonaute's little sister, she is mischievous and playful.
Gros Cosmonaute: P'tit Cosmonaute's big brother, he is cool and collected.
Mimi: P'tit Cosmonaute's grandmother, she is wise and kind.
Tata: P'tit Cosmonaute's grandfather, he is playful and fun.
Miss Martine: P'tit Cosmonaute's human teacher, she is kind and patient, but can also be strict.
Monsieur Pierre: P'tit Cosmonaute's human friend, he is adventurous and daring.
Fifi: P'tit Cosmonaute's pet dog, she is loyal and loving.

Production studio: 2 Minutes

The information provided on this page about P’tit Cosmonaute isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

P'tit Cosmonaute videos on Youtube

P’tit Cosmonaute – Le Vol de la Fusée

P’tit Cosmonaute – Présentation