Unofficial Raggs cartoon wiki page
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Country of origin
Australia and United States
Creation year
Toni Steedman
Raggs is a very special dog! Together with his four other friends and pet cat Dumpster, he loves to hang out at their cool clubhouse. They have loads of fun, especially when they start to perform! The Raggs Band brings great rock ‘n roll music and will make you sing along! Join Raggs and his the other dogs for a musical moment.
Who are the main characters of Raggs?
Raggs: The leader of the band who plays the drums
B. Max: The bass player
Razzles: The keyboardist
Trilby: The guitarist
Pido: The band's manager and roadie
The information provided on this page about Raggs isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!