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Country of origin

United States of America

Creation year



Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere



The series focuses on six fourth graders from the Third Street Elementary School in Arkansas and their interaction with other classmates and teachers. In North America, “recess” is the time when school children are allowed time outside in the schoolyard in between lessons. A major satirical point of the show is that during recess, the community of students at school form a microcosm of traditional society complete with its own government, class system, and set of unwritten laws. The schoolyard is ruled by King Bob, a sixth grader, who terrorises younger children.

Who are the main characters of Recess?

T.J.: The main character, he is the leader of the Recess Gang and is known for his clever pranks against the teachers at Third Street School.
Ashley: The tomboy of the group, she is athletic and competitive. She is a wrestling fan.
Vince: The resident cool guy, he is laid-back and often uses his smarts to get out of trouble. He's very athletic.
Gretchen: The genius of the group, a child prodigy, she is always coming up with new inventions.
Mikey: The sweetest of the bunch, he is always looking out for his friends. He's overweight but good at being a goalie.
Gus: The latest addition to the gang, a new student at the school.
Randall: The school bully, he is always picking on the Recess Gang.
King Bob: The self-proclaimed ruler of the playground, he is often ridiculous but harmless.
Miss Finster: The strictest teacher at school, she is known for her dreaded detention slips.
Principal Prickly: The grumpy principal of the school, he is always enforcing the rules.

Production studio: Disney Television Animation

The information provided on this page about Recess isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Recess videos on Youtube

Recess – Economics of Recess

Recess – Tattletale Heart

Recess Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Recess