Unofficial Remy & Boo cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Remy & Boo

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Country of origin
Canada and United States
Creation year
Matthew Fernandes
In this lovely animated series, we follow Remy, a 6-year-old girl and her very special friend Boo, a big pink robot pet, invented by Remy’s grandfather. Remy and Boo have the most vivid imagination and together they have lots of adventures. As they learn to navigate the world around them, they learn about the power of friendship.
Who are the main characters of Remy & Boo?
Remy: A little girl who is the main protagonist of the show. She can play the ukelele.
Boo: Remy's robot pet and sidekick. He can fly when he puts balloons on his back, he can shoot light-based confetti and he can extend his robot arm to fix things.
Nikhil and Mia: Remy's friends.
Remy's mom: She works as a marine biologist.
Remy's dad: He has a job as café operator.
Skipper Jack: He's a local fisherman.
Poppy: Remy's grandfather on her mother's side. He's the one who created Boo and who lives in a lighthouse.
Mr. Perlwinkle: A curious neighbour who lives across Remy and Boo.
Skylar: Remy's cousin.
EB: One of Remy's friends who works at the milkshake stand.
Boo: Remy's robot pet and sidekick. He can fly when he puts balloons on his back, he can shoot light-based confetti and he can extend his robot arm to fix things.
Nikhil and Mia: Remy's friends.
Remy's mom: She works as a marine biologist.
Remy's dad: He has a job as café operator.
Skipper Jack: He's a local fisherman.
Poppy: Remy's grandfather on her mother's side. He's the one who created Boo and who lives in a lighthouse.
Mr. Perlwinkle: A curious neighbour who lives across Remy and Boo.
Skylar: Remy's cousin.
EB: One of Remy's friends who works at the milkshake stand.
Production studio: Industrial Brothers
The information provided on this page about Remy & Boo isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!