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Unofficial Roary the Racing Car cartoon wiki page

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Roary the Racing Car

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David Jenkins



Welcome to the Silver Hatch motor racing circuit where Roary, Maxi, Cici, Drifter and Tin Top try to break speed records! Big Chris the mechanic, Marsha the race marshall and Mr. Carburettor the owner of the race track will do anything to have a smooth race. Every car needs special attention when making a quick pit stop or when going in the workshop for a bigger check-up. Who will be the fastest in the next race?

Who are the main characters of Roary the Racing Car?

Roary: He's a young and inexperienced red race car. He's very sweet and inquisitive.
Big Chris: He works as mechanic at the Silver Hatch motor racing circuit.
Maxi: Roary's main rival, a yellow sports car with a temper. He is quite arrogant and egotistical.
Cici: Roary's girlfriend, a pink and purple rally car.
Drifter: An orange drift car, who takes part in the races at Silver Hatch.
Tin Top: An American stock car, who often gets involved in accidents on the circuit.
Marsha: As racing marshal, she signals when the race begins with her flag.
Mr. Antonio Carburettor: He's the owner of Silver Hatch circuit. He loves to sing opera.
Plugger: A tow truck at the circuit.
Zippee: This is the orange Vespa scooter that Marsha uses to drive around Silver Hatch.

Production studio: Factory

The information provided on this page about Roary the Racing Car isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Roary the Racing Car videos on Youtube

Roary the Racing Car – Silver Hatch Pizza

Roary the Racing Car – Compilation

Roary the Racing Car Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Roary the Racing Car