Unofficial Sealab 2021 cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Sealab 2021
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Country of origin
United States of America
Creation year
Adam Reed and Matt Thompson
Sealab 2021 is an adult TV series that uses stock footage from the 1970’s cartoon Sealab 2020, along with original animation. It’s a satirical parody of the original Sealab cartoon and other children’s animated series from that time.
Who are the main characters of Sealab 2021?
Captain Hazel "Hank" Murphy: the ostensible leader of the crew, though his qualifications, and even his grasp on reality, are questionable.
Captain Bellerophon "Tornado" Shanks: a retired football coach and health and hygiene teacher who lost his job for slapping (or throat punching) a student.
Lieutenant Jodene Sparks: the station's radio operator who is always seen sitting and with his headsets on.
Debbie "White Debbie" DuPree: a marine biologist and one of only two adult women on the base.
Doctor Quinn: the station's doctor and the other adult woman on the base.
Stormy: the station's cook who is always seen with a cigarette in his mouth.
Bebop: a seal who is the station's mascot and is often seen with his best friend, Rocksteady.
Paddy O'Reilly: the station's janitor who is always seen with a mop in his hand.
Mr. Wizard: the station's scientist who is always seen wearing a lab coat.
Captain Murphy: the leader of the Rebel forces in the "Great Spice Wars".
The information provided on this page about Sealab 2021 isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!