Unofficial Super Geek Heroes cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Super Geek Heroes
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Country of origin
United Kingdom
Creation year
Yellow Spot Productions Ltd.
Super Geek Heroes is an edutainment program for children between the ages of 2 and 6. They are a group of seven super-kids who help early foundation children in the development of specific areas. The characters are based on the 7 main development areas of young children. Together with the Super Geek Heroes, children learn essential skills such as learning the alphabet, recognising colours and sounds, and so on.
Who are the main characters of Super Geek Heroes?
Jake Jotter: He's a little boy who helps children to improve their reading and writing skills. He's dressed in blue and flies around on a magic pencil.
Millie Maths: She's a very smart little girl who loves mathematics. She bounces around on a number five space hopper and helps everyone understand maths better.
Ronnie Rock: Ronnie is the most creative of the group, and helps children with music, dance, drawing and painting. He loves the color red.
Vicky Voice: She is an expert in languages and helps children enunciate. She has jet-powered boots.
Ant Active: Ant tells everyone about the benefits of sport, play and healthy eating. He's the best sports coach.
Peter Planet: Peter is the expert when it comes to the weather and the four seasons. He flies around on a solar powered hover board and loves the color green.
Suzi Smiles: She is very caring and helpful, and can help children with their mental health. She adores the color pink.
Millie Maths: She's a very smart little girl who loves mathematics. She bounces around on a number five space hopper and helps everyone understand maths better.
Ronnie Rock: Ronnie is the most creative of the group, and helps children with music, dance, drawing and painting. He loves the color red.
Vicky Voice: She is an expert in languages and helps children enunciate. She has jet-powered boots.
Ant Active: Ant tells everyone about the benefits of sport, play and healthy eating. He's the best sports coach.
Peter Planet: Peter is the expert when it comes to the weather and the four seasons. He flies around on a solar powered hover board and loves the color green.
Suzi Smiles: She is very caring and helpful, and can help children with their mental health. She adores the color pink.
Production studio: Yellow Spot Productions
The information provided on this page about Super Geek Heroes isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!