Unofficial Super Meow cartoon wiki page
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Super Meow
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Country of origin
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Oleg Roy
Meet the boys! Here are five furballs: lion cub Ali, panther Nia, tiger cub Bao, leopard Vasya, and his little sister Sonya. These five totally different kittens have been invited to attend a school, but totally unusual classes await them there, because it’s a School for Supercats! It used to be that, when a supercat retired, their powers transferred to a single future hero-cat. But this time the superpowers broke apart, and now the kittens, despite all their differences, have to become a single team to unite the superpowers.
The brave and strong leopard Leon and the wise cat Grace teach the little superheroes to be brave, smart and kind.
Also, there’s the sneaky Fenek Arnold. He is the director of the supervillain academy and wants to stop the kittens from becoming real superheroes. Do you think he’ll succeed?
Each character in the series wears a badge with the school’s emblem on his clothes, indicating his superpowers and his affiliation with the elements of the earth.
The brave and strong leopard Leon and the wise cat Grace teach the little superheroes to be brave, smart and kind.
Also, there’s the sneaky Fenek Arnold. He is the director of the supervillain academy and wants to stop the kittens from becoming real superheroes. Do you think he’ll succeed?
Each character in the series wears a badge with the school’s emblem on his clothes, indicating his superpowers and his affiliation with the elements of the earth.
Who are the main characters of Super Meow?
Ali: a lion cub who wants to become a superhero. His powerful roar can demolish even the most serious obstacles.
Nia: a panther, who also dreams of becoming a superhero. She possesses supermagnetism, and can attract objects.
Bao: a tiger cub, who can blend in with anything to become invisible.
Vasya: a leopard who can get bigger or smaller at any given moment.
Sonya: Vasya's little sister, who has the superpower to stop time.
Leon: a brave and strong leopard who is mentoring the young felines. He possesses a full set of superpowers.
Grace: a wise cat who is also on of the cats' teachers. She looks tough, but she's a softie on the inside.
Arnold: a sneaky fennek, who is the director of the supervillain academy. He doesn't have any superpowers, but can invent technical gadgets.
Production studio: Petersburg Computer Animation Studio and LLC
The information provided on this page about Super Meow isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!