Unofficial Superhero Kindergarten cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Superhero Kindergarten
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Country of origin
United States
Creation year
Stan Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andy Heyward
When Captain Fantastic lost his superpowers in a final battle with Dr. Superior, his superpower particles were powdered over six little babies out for a stroll in the park with their parents. Years later, Captain Fantastic is called to work undercover at the children’s kindergarten as Mr. Arnold to guide them in becoming the next generation of kids with superpowers. The children’s powers come from common kindergarten items, such as glue, putty, building blocks and even farts! Arnold Schwarzenegger himself lends his voice to the kindergarten teacher.
Who are the main characters of Superhero Kindergarten?
Arnold Armstrong: a gym coach who acquires superpowers after touching a comet
Captain Fantastic: the superhero version of Arnold Armstrong, and one of Earth's greatest protectors. He continues to work undercover as a kindergarten teacher to raise a new generation of super-powered children.
Principal Shoutzalot: the principal of the school were Arnold Armstrong works, he has a tendency to shout a lot.
Billy / Blocker: He wears a green superhero suit and uses blocks as a superpower
Jackson Jet: Jackson Jet is the fastest superhero around. He wears a green superhero suit and goes from one place to the next in a split second.
Lin / Cray-Cray: She wears a purple superhero suit and has superpowers, using her crayons
Patty Putty: Patty can do all sorts of great things with the power of putty.
Power Pedro: he wears a blue suit and is extremely strong
Vik / Sticky: Vik becomes superhero Sticky, who can catch the bad guys by throwing glue. He can also stick to any surface by his hands and feet.
Dr. Superior: Captain Fantastic's nemesis
Production studio: Genius Brands
The information provided on this page about Superhero Kindergarten isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!