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Les Armateurs (based on the books by Thierry Courtin)



T’choupi, with his trusted plush teddy bear Doudou, spends a great deal of his time at or near his grandparents’ house. Papi’cha and Mamie Nani mean a lot to T’choupi and do their best to teach him loads of useful stuff. They live close to a river, where there’s always some adventure ahead. Wether it’s trying to catch a fish, running around the forest with his best friends, or playing in the snow, every day brings a new activity where T’choupi always has something to learn. In English, the series is also known as “Charley and Mimmo”.

Who are the main characters of T'choupi?

T'choupi: the main character, a young boy who goes to school and has adventures with his friends
Pilou: T'choupi's best friend, a young boy who goes to school with him
Lalou: another one of T'choupi's friends, a young girl who goes to school with him
Fanny: T'choupi's younger sister
François: the school director, a strict man who runs the school
Christine: the school's substitute teacher, a woman who is not as kind as Andy
Mamie Nani: T'choupi's grandmother, a loving woman who takes care of him
Papi'cha: T'choupi's grandfather, a man who loves spending time with his grandson
Olivier: the school inspector, a man who comes to check on the school
Nadine: T'choupi's mother, a woman who loves her son

Production studio: Les Armateurs

The information provided on this page about T’choupi isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

T'choupi videos on Youtube

T’choupi – La luge rouge

T’choupi – T’choupi au marché

T'choupi animated GIF images

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