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All you need to know about

Team Umizoomi

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Soo Kim, Michael T. Smith and Jennifer Twomey


The part computer-animated, part live-action television series Team Umizoomi introduces preschoolers to the concepts of patterns, spatial relations, counting, measuring, color recognition and shape identification . 6-year-old Milli, her older brother Geo and their pet robot help children with their mathematical problems. The show doesn’t use imperial or metric units, which means it can be aired internationally, regardless of the local system. The show is very interactive and keeps the young viewers engaged at all times.

Who are the main characters of Team Umizoomi?

Team Umizoomi: A team of three super-powered miniature people who use their powers to help others.
Milli: The team's leader, she is smart and resourceful. She is 6 years old and can relate to patterns and measuring.
Geo: The team's muscle, he is strong and courageous. He is Milli's younger brother, he's 5. He can solve problems around shapes.
Bot: The team's green robot, who can extend his limbs to grab things or use the screen on his belly to make calls and do maths.
UmiCar: The team's anthropomorphic car, who communicates via engine noises.
Dump Truck: A cheating dump truck who can't speak real words.
The Shape Bandit: A thieving cat who steals shapes.
Squiddy the Squid: An inventor who makes all sorts of devices.
The Troublemakers: Two little creatures who sabotage Team Umizoomi and create trouble with their Trouble Rays.
DoorMouse: A brown mouse who helps Team Umizoomi to solve the problems.

Production studio: Nickelodeon Animation Studios

The information provided on this page about Team Umizoomi isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Team Umizoomi videos on Youtube

Team Umizoomi – The Toy Parade

Team Umizoomi – Umi Cops

Team Umizoomi Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Team Umizoomi