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That’s Joey!

Thats Joey

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Superprod (based on the comic book characters created by Thierry Coppée)



Who shoots jokes faster than his shadow? Who thinks school is the best playground on Earth? Who is a better friend than your best friend? Right, that’s Joey! For Joey, joking is a way of life! If you think that each problem has his own boring solution, you don’t know Joey yet ! With his best friends, Olive and Yassine, he will find the most imaginative and unexpected ideas to get out of wacky situations and help everyone around him.

Who are the main characters of That's Joey!?

Joey: the protagonist of the series, a primary school boy who jokes his way through life.
Olive: Joey's best female friend.
Yassine: Joey's best male friend.
Lilly: Joey's little sister.
Justine: Joey's love interest, a lovely blonde girl with a ponytail.
Mrs. Tunafish: the school principal.
Mrs. Gosling: the gym teacher at Joey's school.
Igor: one of Joey's school friends.

Production studio: Superprod Animation

The information provided on this page about That’s Joey! isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

That's Joey! videos on Youtube

That’s Joey – Friendship Day

That’s Joey – The Invitation