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The Barkers

The Barkers Family photo

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Animation Studio Melnitsa



Alex, Liza, Kid, Max and Rosie are the five children of the Barker family. This is not an ordinary family, but a family of dogs. This educational animated series was created in collaboration with early education specialists and is aimed at children between 4 and 9 years old. Every episode revolves around one of the family members and highlights the challenges that arise when living in a big household. When you have 5 children with such different personalities, there’s always something interesting going on! Every episode has a stand-alone plot.

Who are the main characters of The Barkers?

Dad: The father of the Barkers, a hard-working man who always works on his laptop.
Rose: She's one of the daughters of the Barker family. She's very pretty and loves fashion.
Granddad: The fourth-in-command of the Barkers, he is a loyal and reliable dog who is always ready to follow orders.
Friend: He is one of the Barker kids. He's dreaming of a career as soccer player.
Kid: He's the youngest of the family, but also the wisest.
Mum: She's the mum of the Barker family. She's very beautiful and dreams of a life on stage.
Liza: She's one of the Barker kids. She loves to sing and wants to be like her pop idol.

Production studio: Melnitsa Animation Studio

The information provided on this page about The Barkers isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!