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The Chicken Squad

Unofficial The Chicken Squad cartoon wiki page

All you need to know about

The Chicken Squad

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Tom Rogers



The animated TV series The Chicken Squad is based upon the eponymous book series by Doreen Cronin. Coop, Little Boo and Sweetie are three young chicks are the peace keepers of their backyard. They learn everything about life from their mentor Captain Tully, who is a search and rescue dog at rest. The chicks need to work together as a team and use many skills to solve problems and find quick solutions. The Chicken Squad is always there when someone needs a helping hand.

Who are the main characters of The Chicken Squad?

Captain Tully: A retired search and rescue dog who's the mentor of the Chicken Squad. He has one blue and one brown eye.
Coop: He's a member of the Chicken Squad and a tech-savvy chicken.
Sweetie: He's the second member of the Chicken Squad and the strongest of the three.
Little Boo: The third member of the Chicken Squad. He's the fastest.
Frazz: A squirrel who loves to drink tea.
Dr. Dirt: He's a forensic scientist snail.
Lt. Scruffy: A retired firehouse dog.
Maizie: A crooked sheep and the main antagonist of the show.
Riley: A rat who is roommates with Frazz.
Pinky: A pink pig.

Production studio: Wild Canary

The information provided on this page about The Chicken Squad isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

The Chicken Squad videos on Youtube

The Chicken Squad – Theme Song

The Chicken Squad – The Big Parade