Unofficial The Egg Band cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
The Egg Band
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Country of origin
United States, The Netherlands and Israel
Creation year
Meet the world famous Egg Band as they bring you the most popular songs, tunes and nursery rhymes! The four members of the band play many instruments and will brighten up your day. Don’t be shy, sing along with the music and have a little dance with Maya, Marty, Marco, and Maria!
Who are the main characters of The Egg Band?
Marco: The leader of the Egg Band, he is a talented rooster and a natural born performer.
Maria: She's a member of the Egg Band, she plays the keyboard.
Marty: The bass player of the Egg Band, he is a laid back guy who is always up for a good time.
Maya: The guitarist of the Egg Band, she is a creative soul with a passion for music.
Montse: The drummer of the Egg Band, he is a ray of sunshine who always sees the best in people.
Production studio: OuO time
The information provided on this page about The Egg Band isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!