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All you need to know about
The Funky Phantom
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Country of origin
Australia and United States of America
Creation year
William Hannah and Joseph Barbera
On a stormy night, a trio of teenage detectives going by the names of Skip Gilroy, April Stewart and Augie Anderson, found shelter in an old house while driving around in their dune buggy. When they reset a grandfather clock in one of the rooms, they released two Revolutionary War-era ghosts: an American patriot named Jonathan Wellington “Mudsy” Muddlemore and his cat Boo. They both got trapped inside the clock during the Revolutionary War and eventually died inside. While the teenagers drive around the country and solve crimes, Mudsy and Boo accompany them on many mysteries, always giving an invisible helping hand.
Who are the main characters of The Funky Phantom?
Augie Anderson: One of the three main characters, a teenager who can see ghosts.
Barkley: One of the three main characters, a talking dog who is the ghost's sidekick.
Skip Gilroy: One of the three main characters, a teenager who is the leader of the group.
Professor Lundgren: A scientist who helps the group solve mysteries.
Widow Wilson
The information provided on this page about The Funky Phantom isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!