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The Great North

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Wendy Molyneux, Lizzie Molyneux and Minty Lewis



“The Great North” is an American animated sitcom that premiered on Fox in January 2021. Set in the picturesque Alaskan town of Lone Moose, the series follows the Tobin family and their quirky adventures. The show revolves around Beef Tobin, a single father who is determined to keep his family close-knit and united.

Beef is an enthusiastic fisherman and owns a struggling fishing boat, but he dreams of bigger things and often finds himself pursuing various ambitions. His children play significant roles in the series, including his teenage daughter Judy, an aspiring artist who frequently clashes with her siblings and embraces her eccentricities. His younger son Ham is an imaginative and energetic 10-year-old who loves wearing a bear costume and believes he has mystical powers. Moon, Beef’s eldest daughter, is a college student who sometimes struggles with finding her place in the world and her Alaskan roots. Lastly, there’s Wolf, the family’s lovable but lazy dog who often steals the spotlight with his witty remarks.

“The Great North” focuses on the family’s humorous and heartwarming interactions as they navigate the challenges of daily life in a close-knit community. The series delves into their relationships, individual aspirations, and the unique Alaskan setting, portraying the beauty and quirks of life in the Last Frontier. Alongside the Tobin family, the show introduces a range of colorful supporting characters who add to the humor and charm of the series.

With its distinctive animation style and comedic storytelling, “The Great North” offers an entertaining exploration of family, community, and the pursuit of dreams in the Alaskan wilderness.

Who are the main characters of The Great North?

Beef Tobin: The patriarch of the Tobin family, Beef is a loving single father who tries to keep his family together. He's an enthusiastic fisherman with big dreams and a kind heart.
Judy Tobin: Beef's teenage daughter, Judy, is an aspiring artist with a rebellious spirit. She often clashes with her siblings but has a creative and free-spirited personality.
Ham Tobin: Ham is Beef's 10-year-old son who is full of energy and imagination. He frequently wears a bear costume and believes he has mystical powers, adding a whimsical touch to the show.
Moon Tobin: Beef's eldest daughter, Moon, is a college student who sometimes struggles with finding her place in the world. She represents the tension between her Alaskan roots and her ambitions outside of the small town.
Wolf Tobin: The family's beloved pet dog, Wolf, is known for his lazy and gluttonous behavior. He often steals the spotlight with his clever and sarcastic remarks.
Honeybee Shaw: Honeybee is a neighbor and close friend of the Tobin family. She works as a pilot and has a straightforward and no-nonsense personality. Honeybee is a strong, independent woman who adds a dose of practicality to the group.
Judy's Boyfriend: Judy's boyfriend, whose name is yet to be revealed, is an environmentalist who cares deeply about nature and conservation. He often finds himself entangled in Judy's adventures and the family dynamics.
Alyson Lefebvrere-Bouchard: Alyson is Moon's quirky roommate, hailing from a wealthy background. She brings an element of extravagance and a different perspective to the show.
Gerald Lefebvrere-Bouchard: Gerald is Alyson's father, a wealthy entrepreneur who occasionally appears in the series. His presence often leads to humorous encounters and contrasts with the Tobin family's simpler lifestyle.

Production studio: Wilo Productions

The information provided on this page about The Great North isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

The Great North videos on Youtube

The Great North – Season 1 Teaser