Unofficial The Legendaries cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
The Legendaries
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Country of origin
Creation year
OuiDO! Productions (based on the comic series created by Patrick Sobral)
The Legendaries are a team of courageous and invincible warriors who have become children again. In order to make amends for their adult mistakes, they must relive their childhood. They battle to defeat the evil Darkhell and restore balance to the world after accidentally breaking the Jovénia Stone, which gives everyone eternal youth.
Who are the main characters of The Legendaries?
Danael : The Leader of the Legendaries. Knight of the Kingdom of Larbos and former member of the Silver Falcons who represents the virtue of Dignity. His goal in life is to fight injustice throughout Alysia. He is armed with a golden sword forged in the Elven World.
Ironclaw / Claw: A man-beast representing the virtue of Courage. Claw is Danael's best friend whose courage is joined with an impulsiveness that causes him to make foes. His claws can slice through rock.
Jadina: A magician and a princess who represents the virtue of Intelligence. Her parents, the King and Queen of the kingdom of Orchidia hate her because she entered the Legendaries team.
Razzia: The Colossus of Rymar who represents the virtue of Strength.
Shimy : An Elemental Elf who represents the virtue of Purity. As an Elemental Elf, she is able to fuse with earth, water and fire. Shimy and Jadina don't get along.
Ténébris: The daughter of the evil sorcerer Darkhell, she joins the group after the death of Danael in the 10th volume.
Amylada: A chiridirelle demon that has replaced Razzia's arm after he loses it fighting Anathos
Production studio: Technicolor Animation Productions
The information provided on this page about The Legendaries isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!