Unofficial The Notekins cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
The Notekins
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Country of origin
United States
Creation year
Welcome to the magical world of music inhabited by The Notekins. They are seven little people of different colours that each stand for one of the seven musical notes. Every episode introduces a new musical instrument, like viola, the drums or the trumpet. In a playful way, basic music concepts are presented to the young audience. It’s time for your toddler to dance and sing along!
Who are the main characters of The Notekins?
The Notekins: A group of 7 musical friends who live in big musical house.
The Red Notekin: He wears a red top hat.
The Blue Notekin: He wears a black winter hat.
The Green Notekin: He wears a jester's hat.
The Purple Notekin: He wears a purple hat.
The Pink Notekin: He wears a small pink hat.
The Yellow Notekin: He wears a beret.
The Orange Notekin: He's the youngest of them all. He still likes to take a nap.
Production studio: BabyFirstTV
The information provided on this page about The Notekins isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!