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The Owl & Co

The Owl Co

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Alexandre So, Josselin Charier and Antoine Rodelet



The only thing grumpy Owl is interested in, is be able to live a quiet life and catch caterpillars. He can’t stand being around others, especially if their loud and annoying. Unfortunately, he has to put up with extremely noisy neighbours : a frog, a sheep, a rooster, a bot among others. Stubborn Owl tries to show off his superiority to the other inhabitants of his eco-system, but inevitably ends up cut in pieces, blown apart, crushed to bits, toasted or worse!

Who are the main characters of The Owl & Co?

The Owl: Leader of the owls, a pink and grumpy old owl. He has one goal in life: to eat worms in peace.
The Rooster: A show-off, a proud animal.
The Polecat: A scammer, who takes advantage of the weakness of the inhabitants of the forest to steal from them.
The Pink Flamingo: An arrogant and showy flamingo, who despises all other animal species.
The Frog: A narcissistic frog who is extremely competitive. He likes to remind the others that he is the best at everything.
The Stick Insect: A very intelligent stick insect, who creates machines and gadgets to serve his neighbor's needs.
The Bat: He is very charismatic.
The Sheep: She's a real airhead.

Production studio: Studio HARI

The information provided on this page about The Owl & Co isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

The Owl & Co videos on Youtube

The Owl & Co – The Owl Collection

The Owl & Co – Bird Nest