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Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab
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Country of origin
United States
Creation year
Genius Brands International
“Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab” is an American animated comedy series that provides a fun and educational twist on the famous inventor. The series reveals that Thomas Edison, known as one of history’s most prolific inventors, created a virtual version of himself. This animated version of Edison is part of a secret lab he left behind, along with a nearly complete robot named Von Bolt. The lab remains hidden until Angie, a 12-year-old science prodigy, discovers it after cracking a code. The show, aimed at children, combines entertainment with educational elements, offering fun science factoids alongside its adventures. This series, featuring a madcap cast of characters and the greatest inventor of all time, is designed to show kids how enjoyable science can be.
Who are the main characters of Thomas Edison's Secret Lab?
Thomas Edison: a virtual version of the famous inventor himself, created by Edison before his death.
Angie: a 12-year-old science prodigy who discovers Edison's secret lab.
Kent: another key character whose details are part of the show's dynamics.
Von Bolt: a nearly complete robot invented by Edison and left in the lab.
Nicky: another integral character of the series.
JD: part of the main cast contributing to the adventures in the lab.
Production studio: Kartoon Studios
The information provided on this page about Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!