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Through the Woods

Through the Woods

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Ellen Doherty


The American animated show “Through the Woods” follows the adventures of a young boy named Rider and his dog Wolfie as they explore the woods behind Rider’s house. In each 3-minute animated short, the curious Rider observes and learns about the animals and plants he encounters in the nearby woods, such as spider webs, bunny nests, and fireflies.
The show aims to inspire young viewers to explore and discover the ecosystems in their own backyards.
The animated shorts are set in the Pittsburgh area and feature authentic local flora and fauna, with the help of a consultant from the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy.
Rather than using music, the shorts include the natural sounds of the environment.

Who are the main characters of Through the Woods?

Rider: a young boy who explores the woods behind his house, accompanied by his dog Wolfie.
Wolfie: Rider's loyal dog who accompanies him on his adventures in the woods.

Production studio: PIP Animation

The information provided on this page about Through the Woods isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Through the Woods colouring images

How to draw Through the Woods