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Country of origin

United States of America

Creation year



Ted “Tobin” Wolf



ThunderCats follows the adventures of cat-like aliens on a planet called Third Earth. The story begins with the dying planet Thundera, forcing the ThunderCats to flee their world. The fleet is attacked by their enemies, the Mutants of Plun-Darr, who destroy most of the fleet but spare the flagship hoping to find the mystic Sword of Omens on board. This sword holds the Eye of Thundera, the source of the ThunderCats’ power. Because of the damage to the ship, the ThunderCats must alter their destination and go on a very long journey to “Third Earth”. During this journey , Lion-O, as well as the ThunderCats Cheetara, Panthro, Tygra, WilyKit and WilyKat, and Snarf sleep in capsules.
When they awake on Third Earth after ten “galacto-years,” Lion-O discovers that his capsule has altered his aging process. He is now a child in the body of an adult. He is now a grown-up without maturity. On their new planet, the ThunderCats and the friendly natives of Third Earth build the “Cat’s Lair,” a new home and headquarters. Unfortunately, the Mutants have tracked them down. The demonic, mummified sorcerer Mumm-Ra recruits the Mutants to help him get the Eye of Thundera and destroy the ThunderCats in order to continue his evil reign over Third Earth.

Who are the main characters of ThunderCats?

Lion-O: The Lord of the ThunderCats, he is brave and strong, but also impulsive and hot-headed.
Tygra: The Leopard of the ThunderCats, he is the team's strategist and planner, and is also Lion-O's adoptive brother.
Cheetara: The Cheetah of the ThunderCats, she is the team's speedster and also has the ability to see the future.
Panthro: The Panther of the ThunderCats, he is the team's engineer and weapon master, and is also Lion-O's adoptive father.
WilyKit: The younger of the ThunderCats' two orphans, she is adventurous and mischievous.
WilyKat: The older of the ThunderCats' two orphans, he is level-headed and resourceful.
Mumm-Ra: The evil sorcerer and ruler of the planet Third Earth, he is the ThunderCats' arch-nemesis.
Jaga: The wise and noble mentor of the ThunderCats, he is also Lion-O's biological father.
Snarf: The ThunderCats' comic relief, he is a loyal but cowardly sidekick.
The Ancient Spirits of Evil: The evil entities that empower Mumm-Ra and seek to destroy the ThunderCats.

Production studio: Wang Film Productions (Brilliant Pictures Group)

The information provided on this page about ThunderCats isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

ThunderCats videos on Youtube

ThunderCats – Sword of Omens

ThunderCats – Eyes of the Tigress

ThunderCats Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of ThunderCats