Unofficial Tiny Beats cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Tiny Beats
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Creation year
Shortcut Design Post-Production
In our daily routine our senses are overloaded with stimuli. The program focuses on our sense of hearing and more precisely on hearing diagnosis – our ability to attribute a certain sound to its source. It also teaches the child not to give up and to try and try again until he succeeds.
In a fun game of hide and seek, a group of little ladybugs find one another by following the sounds coming from the different objects they are hiding behind. This fun-filled series helps children to realize that different objects produce different sounds.
In a fun game of hide and seek, a group of little ladybugs find one another by following the sounds coming from the different objects they are hiding behind. This fun-filled series helps children to realize that different objects produce different sounds.
Who are the main characters of Tiny Beats?
Stella: a female ladybug with a red head and black dots on her back.
Russell: a male bug, with a green and blue body. He wears a red sun visor.
Jake: a male bug with a blue body and green belly.
Laura: a female bug with a brown body and a blue back.
Production studio: Shortcut Design Post-Production
The information provided on this page about Tiny Beats isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!