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Trash Truck

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Max Keane



“Trash Truck” is an American animated series that follows the heartwarming adventures of a young boy named Hank and his best friend, Trash Truck, a lovable garbage truck with a playful personality. The show is filled with fun, friendship, and exploration as Hank and Trash Truck embark on imaginative journeys together.

Each episode of “Trash Truck” takes viewers on a whimsical and imaginative ride through Hank’s vivid imagination. Hank and Trash Truck’s adventures are always filled with excitement and discovery. The pair has a group of talking animal friends, such a Donny, Walter and Ms. Mona, who join them in their imaginative escapades. They all love spending time outside but also at Hank’s house.

Despite Trash Truck’s unconventional appearance and role, Hank sees him as his loyal and trusted companion. Through their bond, the show explores themes of friendship, empathy, and problem-solving. Hank and Trash Truck teach young viewers important lessons about acceptance, kindness, and the value of imagination.

“Trash Truck” emphasizes the joy of simple pleasures and the power of imagination, encouraging children to embrace their creativity and see the extraordinary in the ordinary. The show’s colorful animation, catchy songs, and endearing characters make it an engaging and entertaining experience for both kids and adults alike.

With its positive messages and delightful storytelling, “Trash Truck” inspires young audiences to embrace friendship, creativity, and the wonders of the world around them.

The series is also known as “Giant Jack”.

Who are the main characters of Trash Truck (Giant Jack)?

Hank: a 6-year-old boy who is best friends with a giant garbage truck.
Trash Truck: a sentient garbage truck who spends all his time with Hank and their animal friends. Trash Truck doesn't speak, he only makes motor noises.
Olive: Hank's little sister.
Donny: a funny raccoon.
Walter: a large black bear.
Ms. Mona: a very elegant lady rat.

Production studio: Glen Keane Productions

The information provided on this page about Trash Truck (Giant Jack) isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Trash Truck (Giant Jack) videos on Youtube

Trash Truck – Hanging Out With Friends Compilation

Trash Truck – A Trash Truck Christmas