Unofficial Tromba Trem cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Tromba Trem

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Country of origin
Creation year
Zé Brandāo
Join the cast of Tromba Trem on a road trip across Latin America to discover the most amazing places! Meet Gajah, an elephant who lost his memory, Duda, a vegetarian anteater and a large termite colony who believe to originate from another planet. This unlikely group of friends live through some crazy adventures while chugging along on their steam train. Every episode takes you to a new place with new people.
Who are the main characters of Tromba Trem?
Captain: A green termite with a patch over one eye. He's in charge of the security of the termite colony, and he's the train conductor.
Duda: A red ant-eater who wears glasses and who's a vegetarian.
Gajah: A yellow elephant, who lost his memory after an accident. He wants to return home and therefore continues his journey on the train. He's responsible for the train's water supply.
Junior: The Queen's son, who's rather smart and has a scientific brain.
The Termite Queen: A green creature who wears a cape and a crown. She believes she's from another planet.
Master Vulture: A wise vulture, who's Gajah's spiritual guide.
Jacarina: A dancing alligator, that lives near the Amazon River.
Cousin Termite: A cousin of the Termite Queen.
Duda: A red ant-eater who wears glasses and who's a vegetarian.
Gajah: A yellow elephant, who lost his memory after an accident. He wants to return home and therefore continues his journey on the train. He's responsible for the train's water supply.
Junior: The Queen's son, who's rather smart and has a scientific brain.
The Termite Queen: A green creature who wears a cape and a crown. She believes she's from another planet.
Master Vulture: A wise vulture, who's Gajah's spiritual guide.
Jacarina: A dancing alligator, that lives near the Amazon River.
Cousin Termite: A cousin of the Termite Queen.
Production studio: Copa Studio
The information provided on this page about Tromba Trem isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!