Unofficial Two More Eggs cartoon wiki page
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Two More Eggs
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Country of origin
United States
Creation year
The Brothers Chaps
Two More Eggs is a series of online animated shorts. Most episodes are only about one minute long and put the spotlight on one individual character like Dooble the potbellied man or Bad Snaxx, a working mum who shares her food hacks. There is no overarching plot, the episodes are standalone. The show is very surreal and absurd.
Who are the main characters of Two More Eggs?
Doowee: One of the main characters, Doowee is an egg who is curious and adventurous.
Dewy: One of the main characters, Dewy is an egg who is kind and helpful.
Dotti: One of the main characters, Dotti is an egg who is creative and imaginative.
Uncle Grandpa: A supporting character, Uncle Grandpa is a friendly and helpful old man.
Pizza Steve: A supporting character, Pizza Steve is a cool and confident pizza slice.
Mr. Gus: A supporting character, Mr. Gus is a grumpy and grouchy alligator.
Giant Realistic Flying Tiger: A supporting character, the Giant Realistic Flying Tiger is a friendly and helpful tiger.
Belly Bag: A supporting character, Belly Bag is a sentient and talkative belly.
Narrator: A minor character, the Narrator is the voice that tells the stories.
Eggy: A minor character, Eggy is an egg who is often seen in the background.
Dewy: One of the main characters, Dewy is an egg who is kind and helpful.
Dotti: One of the main characters, Dotti is an egg who is creative and imaginative.
Uncle Grandpa: A supporting character, Uncle Grandpa is a friendly and helpful old man.
Pizza Steve: A supporting character, Pizza Steve is a cool and confident pizza slice.
Mr. Gus: A supporting character, Mr. Gus is a grumpy and grouchy alligator.
Giant Realistic Flying Tiger: A supporting character, the Giant Realistic Flying Tiger is a friendly and helpful tiger.
Belly Bag: A supporting character, Belly Bag is a sentient and talkative belly.
Narrator: A minor character, the Narrator is the voice that tells the stories.
Eggy: A minor character, Eggy is an egg who is often seen in the background.
The information provided on this page about Two More Eggs isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!