Unofficial Uki cartoon wiki page
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Country of origin
Belgium and Canada
Creation year
Topfloor & Creative Conspiracy
Uki is a small yellow creature with wings who invites the audience to discover the world with him. He has a little antenna on top of his head and can perform telekinesis. Uki cannot talk, but he expresses himself through sounds, laughter and smiles, just like a toddler. Uki experiences all sorts of adventures with his friends Hedgehog, Rabbit, Squirrel, Tortoise, Duck and the Flowers. Sun and Cloud keep a watchful eye over everyone.
Who are the main characters of Uki?
Uki: A young girl who is the protagonist of the cartoon. She is kind and adventurous.
Poki: Uki's best friend, he is a dog who is always by her side. He is loyal and brave.
Lala: Uki's other best friend, she is a cat who is always up for a adventure. She is playful and curious.
Kiki: Uki's little sister, she is cute and energetic.
Popo: Uki's little brother, he is curious and mischievous.
Mama: Uki's mother, she is loving and nurturing.
Papa: Uki's father, he is hardworking and always supportive.
Grandma: Uki's grandmother, she is wise and always has sage advice.
Grandpa: Uki's grandfather, he is playful and always up for a game.
Mr. bear: A large friendly bear who is always around to help. He is kind and always ready to lend a hand.
Poki: Uki's best friend, he is a dog who is always by her side. He is loyal and brave.
Lala: Uki's other best friend, she is a cat who is always up for a adventure. She is playful and curious.
Kiki: Uki's little sister, she is cute and energetic.
Popo: Uki's little brother, he is curious and mischievous.
Mama: Uki's mother, she is loving and nurturing.
Papa: Uki's father, he is hardworking and always supportive.
Grandma: Uki's grandmother, she is wise and always has sage advice.
Grandpa: Uki's grandfather, he is playful and always up for a game.
Mr. bear: A large friendly bear who is always around to help. He is kind and always ready to lend a hand.
The information provided on this page about Uki isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!