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Country of origin

Ireland and France

Creation year



Frederick P.N. Howard and Gisle Normann Melhus


Erik, Ylva and Arni are a trio of freshmen students who train hard to become Viking warriors at a ruthless, elitist and eccentric Viking academy. They will need a lot of courage, intelligence and perseverance to achieve their goal, but they are determined and convinced they are cut from the right cloth. The group of friends embark on a series of fun and exciting adventures in their mystical world, filled with trolls and mysterious sea creatures. But graduation is still a long way off for the young heroes, their path being filled with more danger than they expected… Every day, the students are given a new challenge that will test their strength and personal limits. The main themes of the show are friendship, bravery and cooperation.

Who are the main characters of Vikingskool?

Ylva: One of the three main protagonists of the show. A wannabe-viking, a very courageous red-haired girl.
Erik Fourchebarbe: One of the three main characters of the TV series, a young boy, who tends to scare easily because of his size, but who's perseverant.
Arni Weaversonson: The third protagonist of the show. A very hard-working and studious boy.
Mr. Hammerson: The headmaster of the Viking academy.
Ms. Astrid: One of the teachers at the academy.
Ms. Tendon: A teacher at the academy.
Heurk: A very big boy, a student at the Viking academy.
Doomhild: A blonde, arrogant student at the academy.
Trolls: There are good and evil trolls near the academy and in the woods.

Production studio: Samka Productions

The information provided on this page about Vikingskool isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Vikingskool videos on Youtube

Vikingskool – Trailer

Vikingskool – Teachers vs Kids