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The Wildernuts are a lively crew made up of their intrepid leader, Cap’n Quilty, cabin boy Ludo, ship’s cook Scrunch, look-out Tuchi and ship’s mascot Smidgeen. This fun-loving crew navigate the skies above their island home on their flying ship, the Cloudhopper. Each episode sees them exploring a new habitat in search of fun and adventure, while also discovering secrets of the environment and learning about the amazing animals and plants who live there.
This quest-themed show aims to introduce young children to the wonders of the natural world and aboard the Cloudhopper, our five heroes explore mountain tops to island shores and everything in between. With the Wildernuts – you never know where you’ll end up or who you might meet!
This quest-themed show aims to introduce young children to the wonders of the natural world and aboard the Cloudhopper, our five heroes explore mountain tops to island shores and everything in between. With the Wildernuts – you never know where you’ll end up or who you might meet!
Who are the main characters of Wildernuts?
Cap'n Quilty: the leader of the Wildernuts, and the captain of the Cloudhopper
Ludo: the cabin boy of the ship
Scrunch: a turtle, the ship's cook
Tuchi: a toucan, who's always on the look-out
Smidgeen: the Cloudhopper's mascot, a fluffy pink butterfly-like creature
Production studio: Kavaleer Productions
The information provided on this page about Wildernuts isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!