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Paul Leluc (based on the books written by Orianne Lallemand and illustrated by Eléonore Thuillier)


There’s no other wolf like Wolf. Whenever an idea pops up in his head, he immediately acts upon it. No one can stop him, he will do exactly as he pleases! Although his friends sometimes have trouble keeping up with Wolf, they wouldn’t want him to be different. With Wolf, a normal day quickly changes into a great adventure where Wolf tries to make everyone happy. Grag a piece of the rainbow? Not a problem! Fly to the moon, piece of cake! Life is there to be lived, sometimes dangerously! Wolf is known as Loup in French.

Who are the main characters of Wolf?

Wolf: He's the main character of the show, who turns every day into an adventure. He's ready to try everything and anything!
Big Louis: Big Louis is one of Wolf's friends, a large brown bear with a big tummy.
Joshua: He's another wolf, one of Wolf's best friends, who is often dragged into Wolf's adventures.
Lady Wolf: She's a gorgeous wolf with purple hair and a purple tail. She's Wolf's crush.
Titi: She a big pink Yeti. She's very sweet and cheerful.
Valentin: Valentin is one of Wolf's friends, a more dim-witted animal.

Production studio: Samka Productions

The information provided on this page about Wolf isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Wolf videos on Youtube

Wolf – Le Loup qui voulait être photographe (French)

Wolf – Le Loup qui voulait être capitaine de bateau (French)