Unofficial WTF 101 cartoon wiki page
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WTF 101
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“WTF 101” is an animated series that could be described as a deconstructive parody of “The Magic School Bus.” The show features a teacher who, instead of being a charming eccentric, is portrayed as a deranged misanthrope. The series aims to educate audiences about real-world insanity in a humorous and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) manner. The main character, Professor Foxtrot, is voiced by Mary Pat Gleason. With the help of her time-traveling/teleporting/shrinking device, audiences will find themselves amidst insane, and very realistic examples of science, history, technology, medicine and more.
Who are the main characters of WTF 101?
Professor Foxtrot: a cynical and possibly mentally unstable teacher, who uses a special time-travelling and teleporting device to take her students in detention class right in the middle of scientific reality.
River: she's one of the students in detention class. She's got black hair and wears a beanie.
Jason: one of the teenagers in detention class. He's an African-American boy.
Mindy: one of the teenagers in detention class. She has long hair in a ponytail.
Brad: he's one the students in detention class. He's got a large build and black, spiky hair.
Production studio: Studio Joho
The information provided on this page about WTF 101 isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!