Unofficial Wussywat the Clumsy Cat cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Wussywat the Clumsy Cat

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Country of origin
United Kingdom and Canada
Creation year
Simon Rolph and Simon Quinn
Wussywat the Clumsy Cat is truly a clumsy kitten! This curious little cat loves to discover new and interesting things, but he’s hopelessly uncoordinated and clumsy. Together with his friends Ird, Duckadile, Ortus and others, Wussywat will have a go at anything in life, but it might take a while before he succeeds.
Who are the main characters of Wussywat the Clumsy Cat?
Wussywat: A curious little kitten who is always exploring and getting into trouble. He's never afraid to try out new things, but he's incredibly clumsy.
Duckadile: He is Wussywat's naughty best friend. This crocodile loves discovering new things.
Ird: This blackbird is like a big sister to Wussywat. She's bossy and thinks she knows best, when she clearly doesn't.
Ortus: He's a forgetful tortoise who loves books. Whenever he can remember, he tells Wussywat about the many things he's read.
Oggy: Little puppy Oggy just can't contain his excitement when he's around Wussywat. He loves playing with a ball.
Jinja: He's the cool cat from next door. He's Wussywat's idol.
Egnog: A sleepy hedgehog who will take naps in the most unusual places.
Eli: She's Duckadile's big sister, a confident and ever-happy crocodile.
Py: This magpie is Ird's best friend. She has an eye for shiny things and jewelry, and simply must have them all.
Production studio: Smiley Guy Studios
The information provided on this page about Wussywat the Clumsy Cat isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!