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Country of origin

France, Belgium and Switzerland

Creation year



Xavier Giacometti (based on comic books by Job and Derib)



Yakari is a young Native American from the Sioux tribe. A very special gift was to him by his totem the Great Eagle: Yakari has the ability to understand and speak to all the animals, mammals and birds alike. On his many travels through then great plains of North America, the Great Eagle often accompanies Yakari to offer him advice. Yakari’s best friends are a girl called Rainbow and a boy named Buffalo Seed. He rides a pony called Little Thunder.

Who are the main characters of Yakari?

Yakari: A young Native American boy from the Sioux tribe, who is brave and determined. He's the only one who doesn't carry a weapon. He has a special gift that allows him to speak to animals.
Little Thunder: Yakari's horse, he is loyal and courageous. He refuses to wear a saddle.
Rainbow: She's a Sioux girl and Yakari's best friend. She learns the ways of healing from Yakari's mother.
The-One-Who-Knows: The chief of Yakari's village. He is also the shaman, the oldest and wisest person of the village.
Buffalo Seed: A Sioux boy who dreams of becoming the greatest hunter. He's the best archer of the village.
Slow Caribou: A slow man from Yakari's village.
Broth Eye: A lazy and unfit man from Yakari's village, who spends his time napping or smoking his pipe.
Tranquil Rock: A sage from the Sioux village.
Bold Gaze: He's Yakari's father.
Taut Bow: Yakari's enemy, who is obsessed with hunting and killing animals.

Production studio: 2 Minutes

The information provided on this page about Yakari isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Yakari videos on Youtube

Yakari – Ep 1 Yakari and Great Eagle

Yakari – Ep 2 Yakari and Little Thunder

Yakari Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Yakari