Unofficial Yo Yo cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Yo Yo

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Creation year
Robin Lyons
Yo Yo is the story of two twin siblings, a boy and a girl. Yo and Yo may be twins, but they have very different personalities. The boy is shy and careful, while the girl is very sociable and impulsive. He thinks before acting while she acts before thinking! They do share one thing: they have a very vivid imagination, which allows them to travel all around the world without having to leave the house. Together with their dog Ragoo, they have the greatest imaginary adventures!
Who are the main characters of Yo Yo?
Yo: One of the main protagonist of the show, and one part of the twins. He is very shy and cautious.
Yo: Yo's twin sister, who's quite impulsive and talkative.
Ragoo: Yo and Yo's pet dog, a with animal with colored ears.
Production studio: Toonz Media Group
The information provided on this page about Yo Yo isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!