Peppa Pig gets a new voice after 13 years!

Harley Bird, the actress who’s been the voice of Peppa Pig for the past 13 years, now 18 years old, quits the job. She will be replaced by nine-year-old Amelie Bea Smith. The Guardian reports that Harley Bird would have earned up to £1000 per hour to lend her voice to Peppa Pig! It’s not the first time Peppa Pig’s changing voices. Harley Bird was the third voice actor of the series, following Lily Snowden-Fine and Cecily Bloom. A page has been turned but the show’s going on, stronger than ever. Long live Peppa Pig!
Amelie Bea Smith Peppa Pig voice
Peppa Pig voice actress Harley Bird
Peppa Pig gets a new voice after 13 years amelia bea smith