ICON Creative Studio

Founded in 2013
Country: Canada
Director(s): Shea Kevin Wageman
CG feature epidodics, CG animatied chilren’s series and specials, live action, pre-production
ICON Creative Studio is Canada’s largest independent animation company. It offers services in design, storyboarding, modeling, rigging, animation, technical finaling, lighting and visual effects. ICON partners with distributors, broadcasters and streaming platforms on a global scale and prides a reputation for quality, efficiency and timely deliveries. The company operates from a holistic viewpoint, offering an optimal balance between production efficiency and individual needs.
✆ +1 604 428 4266
✉ inquiries@iconcreativestudio.com
ICON Creative Studio logo


HQ address: ICON Creative Studio, 341 Water Street, Vancouver BC V6B 1B8, Canada
Address #2: Studio 2, 390 Cambie, Vancouver BC V6B 2N3, Canada
Address #3: Studo 4, West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC V6B 1B8, Canada