Imira Entertainment

Founded in 2003
Country: Spain
Director(s): Carlos Biern
original and co-produced IP, animated television series for all children and adolescents
Imira Entertainment is a global distributor and producer of children’s and family original and co-created entertainment content. Its programs are broadcast on television channel around the world and on the digital marketplace. With a catalogue of over 100 titles and more than 4000 half hours of entertainment, Imira Entertainment continutes to grow. The aim is to create and distribute series with editorial storylines that engage with children all over the world.
✆ +34 917 916 644, +34 932 650 757
Imira Entertainment logo


HQ address: Paseo de la Castellana 79, 6th Floor, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Address #2: Imira Entertainment, Consel de Cent 375 3° 2°, 08009 Barcelona, Spain
Address #3: Toonz Animation India (P) Ltd, 731-735, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum, Kerala, India